
On 7/21/17 I spent a lot of time trying to fix my macbook so that I could more easily work on this project at home. I was also able to export my database as a .csv file. I used the COPY command.
COPY precincts TO '/home/dsmall/VA_votes/CSV_converter/Untitled Folder' DELIMITER ',' CSV HEADER;
This just copies the table into a .txt file or a .csv file. It can then be easily put into an excel spreadsheet. The last thing I did was make a different spreadsheet with all of Elizabeth Guzman's donors with the value of their donations. I also sent these files to Louis who is working on her campaign. The next thing that he wanted me to do was to make a scraper that gets the phone number or home address of her donors. While looking into this I found that the White pages and the Yellow pages aren't just databases with everyone's phone number and address.
http://www.whitepages.com/  https://www.yellowpages.com/
To actually get the information you have to pay. I brought this problem up with Marco and he said that the White pages have an API (Application Program Interface) which means that he could make a program that works directly with a program that was made by the white pages to help gather data from their website. I am not sure how much information he will be able to get with it. I am now going to start working on some custom Queries for my database with the last 3 HoD elections in District 31.
SELECT precincts.precinctnames, ROUND(AVG(precincts.totalvotescast)) AS average, ROUND(AVG(recent.totalvotescast)) AS last, (ROUND(AVG(precincts.totalvotescast))) - (ROUND(AVG(recent.totalvotescast))) AS diff FROM precincts FULL OUTER JOIN recent ON precincts.precinctnames = recent.precinctnames GROUP BY precincts.precinctnames ORDER BY average;
This Query looks a bit ridiculous, but I will explain it. It starts by saying SELECT the precinct names, the average number of votes, the most recent vote counts, and then then difference FROM the precincts table. Then it does a FULL OUTER JOIN of the 'recent' table on the names of the precincts. What this does is it merges the two tables together and matches the data of the precinct names from both tables.
This is one of the most important and common commands used in SQL. It is very important, because it lets you tell the computer how things are related. For example if I have a table of online orders with the customer id and the item, then another table with the customer address, name, contact information and their id. Using a JOIN command you can tell the computer that the item needs to go to a customer id, which is the same in both tables, so having the id is the same as having their address and other information.
Then it GROUPs the data by the name of the precinct. This is done so that the AVG is of the correct data. The data is then ORDERed by the AVG.
    This is what it looks like:
precinctnames average last diff
Minnieville 70 58 12
Penn 154 54 100
Casanova 463 455 8
Kettle_Run 466 457 9
Godwin 467    
Forest_Park 679 595 84
Ashland 714 660 54
Enterprise 756 736 20
Independent_Hill 766 698 68
New_Baltimore 855 880 -25
Pattie 928 774 154
Saunders 931 677 254
King 934 956 -22
Catlett 987 948 39
Spriggs 1002 923 79
Henderson 1010 896 114
Beville 1011 1083 -72
Montclair 1097 611 486
Washington-reid 1171 1073 98
Vint_Hill 1200 1452 -252
Hylton 1200 694 506

    This is what it looks like if I just do
SELECT * FROM precincts;
precinctnames precinctid parentcounty republican democrat othervotes totalvotescast filename
Kettle_Run 101 Fauquier_County 289 80 0 369 2011_House_of_Delegates_General_Election_District_31
Catlett 102 Fauquier_County 685 129 1 815 2011_House_of_Delegates_General_Election_District_31
Casanova 103 Fauquier_County 241 121 0 362 2011_House_of_Delegates_General_Election_District_31
New_Baltimore 502 Fauquier_County 451 106 1 558 2011_House_of_Delegates_General_Election_District_31
Vint_Hill 504 Fauquier_County 529 151 0 680 2011_House_of_Delegates_General_Election_District_31
Saunders 201 Prince_William_County 372 440 0 812 2011_House_of_Delegates_General_Election_District_31
Spriggs 207 Prince_William_County 436 409 3 848 2011_House_of_Delegates_General_Election_District_31
Hylton 208 Prince_William_County 701 414 3 1118 2011_House_of_Delegates_General_Election_District_31
Independent_Hill 209 Prince_William_County 475 171 0 646 2011_House_of_Delegates_General_Election_District_31
Penn 210 Prince_William_County 46 106 1 153 2011_House_of_Delegates_General_Election_District_31
Pattie 305 Prince_William_County 482 326 3 811 2011_House_of_Delegates_General_Election_District_31
Washington-reid 306 Prince_William_County 594 449 2 1045 2011_House_of_Delegates_General_Election_District_31
Henderson 307 Prince_William_County 544 376 2 922 2011_House_of_Delegates_General_Election_District_31
Montclair 308 Prince_William_County 575 458 1 1034 2011_House_of_Delegates_General_Election_District_31
Ashland 309 Prince_William_County 335 250 0 585 2011_House_of_Delegates_General_Election_District_31
Forest_Park 310 Prince_William_County 262 277 3 542 2011_House_of_Delegates_General_Election_District_31
Beville 602 Prince_William_County 302 436 0 738 2011_House_of_Delegates_General_Election_District_31
Godwin 603 Prince_William_County 179 190 2 371 2011_House_of_Delegates_General_Election_District_31
Minnieville 605 Prince_William_County 21 30 1 52 2011_House_of_Delegates_General_Election_District_31
Enterprise 608 Prince_William_County 286 327 0 613 2011_House_of_Delegates_General_Election_District_31
King 609 Prince_William_County 286 423 0 709 2011_House_of_Delegates_General_Election_District_31
NA NA TOTALS 8435 5930 25 14390 2011_House_of_Delegates_General_Election_District_31
Kettle_Run 101 Fauquier_County 405 167 1 573 2013_House_of_Delegates_General_Election_District_31
Catlett 102 Fauquier_County 910 288 0 1198 2013_House_of_Delegates_General_Election_District_31
Casanova 103 Fauquier_County 364 208 0 572 2013_House_of_Delegates_General_Election_District_31
New_Baltimore 502 Fauquier_County 805 320 2 1127 2013_House_of_Delegates_General_Election_District_31
Vint_Hill 504 Fauquier_County 997 468 3 1468 2013_House_of_Delegates_General_Election_District_31
Saunders 201 Prince_William_County 484 818 1 1303 2013_House_of_Delegates_General_Election_District_31
Spriggs 207 Prince_William_County 525 709 1 1235 2013_House_of_Delegates_General_Election_District_31
Hylton 208 Prince_William_County 905 882 2 1789 2013_House_of_Delegates_General_Election_District_31
Independent_Hill 209 Prince_William_County 660 293 1 954 2013_House_of_Delegates_General_Election_District_31
Penn 210 Prince_William_County 76 178 0 254 2013_House_of_Delegates_General_Election_District_31
Pattie 305 Prince_William_County 605 591 4 1200 2013_House_of_Delegates_General_Election_District_31
Washington-reid 306 Prince_William_County 662 730 3 1395 2013_House_of_Delegates_General_Election_District_31
Henderson 307 Prince_William_County 637 571 4 1212 2013_House_of_Delegates_General_Election_District_31
Montclair 308 Prince_William_County 832 810 3 1645 2013_House_of_Delegates_General_Election_District_31
Ashland 309 Prince_William_County 437 459 2 898 2013_House_of_Delegates_General_Election_District_31
Forest_Park 310 Prince_William_County 340 559 1 900 2013_House_of_Delegates_General_Election_District_31
Beville 602 Prince_William_County 402 808 3 1213 2013_House_of_Delegates_General_Election_District_31
Godwin 603 Prince_William_County 189 369 5 563 2013_House_of_Delegates_General_Election_District_31
Minnieville 605 Prince_William_County 27 73 0 100 2013_House_of_Delegates_General_Election_District_31
Enterprise 608 Prince_William_County 300 617 2 919 2013_House_of_Delegates_General_Election_District_31
King 609 Prince_William_County 365 767 5 1137 2013_House_of_Delegates_General_Election_District_31
NA NA TOTALS 11508 11280 45 22833 2013_House_of_Delegates_General_Election_District_31
Kettle_Run 101 Fauquier_County 353 104 0 457 2015_House_of_Delegates_General_Election_District_31
Catlett 102 Fauquier_County 732 216 0 948 2015_House_of_Delegates_General_Election_District_31
Casanova 103 Fauquier_County 273 182 0 455 2015_House_of_Delegates_General_Election_District_31
New_Baltimore 502 Fauquier_County 642 238 0 880 2015_House_of_Delegates_General_Election_District_31
Vint_Hill 504 Fauquier_County 1029 422 1 1452 2015_House_of_Delegates_General_Election_District_31
Saunders 201 Prince_William_County 238 439 0 677 2015_House_of_Delegates_General_Election_District_31
Spriggs 207 Prince_William_County 430 493 0 923 2015_House_of_Delegates_General_Election_District_31
Hylton 208 Prince_William_County 474 219 1 694 2015_House_of_Delegates_General_Election_District_31
Independent_Hill 209 Prince_William_County 515 181 2 698 2015_House_of_Delegates_General_Election_District_31
Penn 210 Prince_William_County 23 31 0 54 2015_House_of_Delegates_General_Election_District_31
Pattie 305 Prince_William_County 427 345 2 774 2015_House_of_Delegates_General_Election_District_31
Washington-reid 306 Prince_William_County 568 504 1 1073 2015_House_of_Delegates_General_Election_District_31
Henderson 307 Prince_William_County 515 380 1 896 2015_House_of_Delegates_General_Election_District_31
Montclair 308 Prince_William_County 359 251 1 611 2015_House_of_Delegates_General_Election_District_31
Ashland 309 Prince_William_County 330 330 0 660 2015_House_of_Delegates_General_Election_District_31
Forest_Park 310 Prince_William_County 263 329 3 595 2015_House_of_Delegates_General_Election_District_31
Beville 602 Prince_William_County 359 722 2 1083 2015_House_of_Delegates_General_Election_District_31
Minnieville 605 Prince_William_County 22 36 0 58 2015_House_of_Delegates_General_Election_District_31
Enterprise 608 Prince_William_County 269 467 0 736 2015_House_of_Delegates_General_Election_District_31
King 609 Prince_William_County 334 621 1 956 2015_House_of_Delegates_General_Election_District_31
NA NA TOTALS 9506 8287 16 17809 2015_House_of_Delegates_General_Election_District_31


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